Pupil of the eye, The one who has attractive, expressive and shining eyes.

Before applying for a dog, please take a moment to review our Adoption Information & Procedures
Some of the dogs in our program are adopted before we get to know them. Some stay longer but require several weeks to show their character. Some dogs receive additional evaluations and training by professionals if needed.
We work hard to provide as much information as possible, but the process is not perfect. Our goal is to give the dogs the best chance to stay in their home for the rest of their lives so we are genuine regarding what we know about them. For MPR, quality of our placements takes precedence over a quick turnaround.
We do our very best to update the dogs' bios as quickly as we can. In some cases, dogs are adopted before we are able to revise their listing.
Please do not contact MPR via email or messenger to inquire about a dog’s personality and/or temperament, compatibility with other pets, etc. The volunteers in charge of replying to general requests are not the same as those handling and evaluating the dogs. They will not be able to answer your questions.
Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will act or react under all circumstances and situations.
Background Info:
Nainika was found as a stray and brought into the city shelter before joining the MPR program. This special girl is learning the good life and all the benefits of being loved while in MPR's care.
Adoption Fee: $200
Breed: Pit Bull Mix
Sex: Female
Age: 3-5 yrs
Weight: 40-50 lbs
Health Condition/SPECIAL NEEDS:
While Nika is overall healthy, she is special needs as she seems to have limited vision and hearing. We don't know the exact extent of her disability but she definitely has subtle depth perception and cant always recognize where the sound is coming from. She is not completely deaf or blind however and this congenital defect does not affect her spirit whatsoever, She has fully adapted to life with limited eyesight and hearing and is able to function without any trouble at all. She is just a little clumsy at times and does better in quiet settings where she can focus her attention and sense of smell onto the stimuli around her.
We believe Nika could be a "Double Merle", which is the result of two merle dogs bred together. Anyone interested in adopting her should do a little bit of reading on this condition.
Luckily, Nika's case is very mild, as double-merle breeding often produce extensive anomalies and disabilities in dogs. It is normally a huge no-no amongst "responsible" dog breeders. Sadly merle Pit Bulls are too often becoming the victim of unscrupulous breeding practices from uninformed individuals interested in the flashy coat color with no regard for potential afflictions to the dogs.
Physical Description:
Nainika is a medium size girl with the most expressive blue eyes. She has a beautiful brown merle and white coat that is incredibly soft. She also has the most adorable and silly ears!
Current Living Situation:
Nika is currently fostered in a home with three adults and a six year old child. Foster parents are retired and home most of the time to love on this sweet girl! She has access to a fenced in yard and is given free rein of the house while home alone and at night. There is also a twelve year old male Pit mix in the home as well. She loves to play with her furry foster brother! They also do very well on walks together.
Foster mom describes Nainika as a happy and outgoing goofball with a well balanced personality! She is an easy going dog and very responsive to her humans. She loves going on walks and does well on the leash! She also entertains herself with her stuffies and other toys. Nika has an overall medium energy level, including adorable zoomies. She is very playful with the other dog in the home and especially loves to play tug!
She lacks some peripheral vision as she sometimes misses what is going on beside her. She sometimes barks at unfamiliar objects like the vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, leaf blower, weed eater. She is otherwise unbothered by these objects, she just barks at them.
When she's not playing, she loves to climb into her humans' laps and get in some snuggle time! Nainika is playful and fun, yet also loves to cuddle.
Behavior with people:
Nainika has never met a stranger! She's outgoing and friendly with everyone! She is overall well behaved when meeting people, but foster mom sometimes has to remind her to keep all four paws on the ground. She responds very well to this direction.
Behavior with children:
Nainika has been great with the six year old in her foster home! She is also friendly and well behaved with children.
Behavior with other dogs:
Nika has been getting along well with the other dog in her foster home! With proper introductions, she may benefit from living with a compatible male in her forever home to help show her the ropes since she is deaf. She is also very playful and would need a doggie companion that would match her playfulness.
Behavior with other animals:
Nainika has shown interest in squirrels while outside. She begins to chase them, but will lose sight of them as they go up in trees and stops. It is unknown how she would do with other smaller animals in her forever home.
Foster parents are working with Nainika on perfecting potty training. She is praised and rewarded with a treat when she goes potty outside and she is very receptive! While her hearing may make training a little more difficult than with a dog that has the ability to hear, she is very eager to please and will benefit from continued training in her forever home!
Best Attribute:
Nainika is the ultimate cuddler! Plus her coat is so soft that you'll love having her next to you! She also has such a fun personality - she is sure to keep you smiling and laughing! She is such an inspiration. She does not let her disabilities get her down!
Even if you can’t adopt this sweetheart, you can still help by donating for their care.
Information updated on 04/08/2024 KO
Can't adopt but want to help? Every dollar makes a difference!