
Chief Quimby is a character in Inspector Gadget. He is the police chief of Metro City and Gadget's boss.

Background Info:
Another amazing dog who landed at the pound somehow, and was never claimed. How can people leave such beautiful dogs behind will never cease to blow our minds. We have no information regarding the past and upbringing of this gorgeous dog and can only speculate why no one came for him.
Adoption Fee: $150
Breed: Pit Bull/AST
Sex: Male
Age: 1-3 yo
Weight: 60-70 lbs
Health Condition:
While overall healthy and strong, Quimby seems to have some kind of involuntary tic or clapping of his jaw. This behavior seems to happen unintentionally and compulsively. It is usually triggered by excitement, or when Quimby is feeling frisky or overstimulated. He can occasionally pinch the skin when doing so, but the behavior doesn't appear to be malicious whatsoever. He is currently doing a trial of medication, which has improved his symptoms tremendously! Otherwise, no health issues!
Physical Description:
Handsome boy with a soft blue and white coat that looks and feels like velvet. Quimby has a medium and well-proportioned stature. The little pink spot on his nose is to die for.
Current Living Situation:
Quimby spent a couple weeks at MPR shelter and was then transferred to a foster home with two adults and a 5-year-old female pit mix. The dogs interact together throughout the day. There is also a 14-year-old beagle/corgi mix who is kept separate due to his advanced age. Quimby has seen him and been on walks with him, but there has not been any interaction in the home.
There's a low fence in his foster home, which Quimby seems to respect thus far.
Update from foster mom: "Quimby has been thriving in foster care. The stimulation and noise at the shelter might have been a little stressful for him, so he has settled quickly and with relief to his current situation in our home. We did a slow intro to our female dog due to his teeth clapping, and they have been getting along great. He doesn't show much initiative to play with her, however he plays nicely when she initiates. He prefers the attention from humans.
He is excellent on a leash! He shows curiosity toward other dogs, humans, and animals, but never has shown any reactivity. He is extremely easy to redirect and does not pull. He's obviously eager to please!
He has been on several car rides and even a short road trip to and from Iowa and has done very well. He doesn't love getting in the car- maybe a little timid of the small doorway, but once he is in, he lies down and looks around. On the road trip, he slept a majority of it. Not a single peep!
He sleeps in his kennel at night (he seems to prefer it - quiet and safe), and he goes in his kennel any time he is left home alone. During the day, he is allowed to roam the house when humans are home. He will bark to go outside to potty. He respects barriers.
The best living situation for Quimby would be with adults who are willing to work with him to keep his stimulation at bay. He would do well as an only pet, but a compatible female dog is an option. Quimby is a pleaser and a lover, so his humans have to be ok with lots of kisses, cuddles, and not much personal space :)"
Quimby's energy is medium to high. If he gets exercised and has some mental stimulation, he will nap through the day and be a couch potato at night. Without proper exercise however, his puppy-like energy comes out.
Quimby is VERY smart. He knows several commands and is very eager to learn and please. He's easy to redirect when needed.
Behavior with people:
Friendly, comfortable, and outgoing with everyone. He does get a little excited when meeting new people and his greetings can be a little overly enthusiastic. Foster parents are working on teaching him control and good manners.
Behavior with children:
At this time, Quimby should not go to a home with young kids as they may be overstimulating and he may clap his teeth accidentally.
Behavior with other dogs:
Quimby would do very well as an only pet. He loves people more than other dogs, and we worry that his teeth-clapping could confuse another dog. However, he does get along very well with his foster companion right now, and the two often share a bed together.
A note from foster mom: "If placed in a home with another dog, the owners will need to ensure diligent supervision to make sure Quimby's excitement doesn't upset his new companion. With that being said, interactions with his foster sister have all been great."
Behavior with other animals:
Quimby could *possibly* live with a cat, since he has shown positive reactions towards them when meeting on walks, but he has not been officially cat-tested.
Quimby gets basic training with his foster parents at home daily - basic commands and leash walking. He knows sit, down, wait, look, leave it, and kennel. Very smart and eager to please.
Best Attribute:
Quimby's best attribute is how much he desires to love and be loved. When he looks at you with those big brown eyes, you can't help but give his soft head all the scratches. He looks at his humans with so much love in his eyes.
Adoption Fee: $150
Breed: Pit Bull/AST
Sex: Male
Age: 1-3 yo
Weight: 60-70 lbs
Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will react under all circumstances and situations.
Can't adopt but want to help? Every dollar makes a difference!