Maggie Moo

Maggie Moo's Ice Cream and Treatery is a Kansas City chain of creameries that specializes in delicious ice cream and other desserts.

Background Info:
This poor mama dog lost all her puppies somehow, and was taken to the city shelter as a stray, full of milk. Volunteers looked for her pups to no avail. We will never know what happened to her little family, but Maggie Moo's condition at the time of her rescue tells a sad story as a neglected and unloved street-dog. MPR promised her the life-change she could only dream of before landing in our care.
Adoption Fee: $125
Breed: Pit Bull
Sex: Female
Age: 1-3 yo
Weight: 40 to 50 lbs
Health Condition:
Maggie Moo came in to us full of milk, very thin, even borderline emaciated. She was covered in parasites, had a dull coat, terribly infected ears, and a skin rash. Emotionally, she was scared and sad. Maggie had obviously given a lot of herself to a litter of puppies that was nowhere to be found 😢 She was tired, hungry, and in dire need of TLC.
Thankfully, in just a short time since her arrival, this darling little lady has blossomed into the cutest and most adorable princess. Her recovery from the hard life was quick and spectacular. She's a baby doll!
We suspect that Maggie Moo might be a candidate for seasonal allergy management throughout or life, or at least until she lives a stress-free and pampered life in a loving home.
Physical Description:
Petite and delicate, Maggie is smaller than average. She has a darling face with expressive eyes that adorably reach into your soul.
Current Living Situation:
Maggie is loving life at MPR shelter. This is soooooo much better than roaming the streets, and she doesn't miss an occasion to prove her gratitude. She is well behaved in her kennel, easy to handle and no trouble at all, for the most part. Occasional zoomies might make her forget her lady-like manners, but she never gets too carried away. She keeps her kennel clean and uses her doggy door to relieve herself outside if needed, though she prefers to wait until she has access to the yard. She is calm and quiet in her kennel, and nondestructive. A wonderful little guest and a favorite of our volunteers!
Maggie Moo is so happy to be happy! It brings us to tears to think that this little ray of sunshine was living the hard life of a stray before, all alone and miserable. It's hard to believe she wasn't always treated right since she has such a positive outlook on life and a big bright spirit. Maggie is indeed, always in a good mood and ready for fun. She is active and energetic, and loves to play and zoom around, but she is not nervous or too hyper. She just truly enjoys a good time.
Behavior with people:
If she's met bad people before, she's forgiven us as a species. She doesn't know a stranger and greets everyone with a huge smile and happy eyes. Her body dances to the wag of her tail. She is irresistible and you can tell how relieved she is to be surrounded by nice people that are willing to play with her and give her positive attention. She is soaking it up like rain in the desert!
Behavior with children:
Unknown. Maggie hasn't been with kids since being with us but we have a hard time believing she would do poorly with children. In fact, she might love a house with a fun-loving family. She is such a kid at heart herself. In addition, being a momma dog has likely taught her patience and tolerance. She is small and delicate but has a sturdy built and solid temperament. That said, please keep in mind that when excited, Maggie may jump up and scratch. We are still working on teaching her proper greetings but we're not there yet. She just can't always contain her joy. In addition, Maggie has demonstrated some resource guarding over food and toys. A home with older, bigger and respectful children is preferred.
Behavior with other dogs:
Unknown. She has not been tested with other dogs yet. We will update her bio if this changes. Her behavior at the shelter is as expected for the environment. She may be reactive to high stimulus when other dogs are barking around her. She also comes across as defensive and might have had a bad experience or two with other dogs when living in the streets. For everyone's sake, we believe Maggie Moo would do better as an only pet. It is possible that with a very slow introduction and proper management, she could share a home with a compatible male but only if the owner(s) understands the breed very well.
Behavior with other animals:
Maggie seems naturally housebroken and hasn't had any accidents in her kennel or in the playrooms. She appears eager to please and is very smart, so we are excited to begin training with her. Since she likes to turn everything into a good time, we have no doubts she will think obedience training is a blast.
Adoption Fee: $125
Breed: Pit Bull
Sex: Female
Age: 1-3 yo
Weight: 40 to 50 lbs
Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will react under all circumstances and situations.
Can't adopt but want to help? Every dollar makes a difference!