Fred Flintstone
Fred Flintstone is the main character of the animated sitcom The Flintstones, which aired during prime-time on ABC during the original series' run from 1960 to 1966. Fred is the husband of Wilma Flintstone and father of Pebbles Flintstone.
Background Info:
Fred and his counterpart, Wilma Flintstone, were found as strays. These two fun-loving clowns are a bonded pair, so MPR took on the challenge to find a forever home dedicated to keeping them together!
Health Condition:
Fred has mild seasonal allergies that are managed with periodic medication. Otherwise, is healthy and ready for adoption.
Physical Description:
Fred is a beautiful brindle and white boy. His coat is incredibly soft. Fred’s big ol’ paws and cute little teeth add to his charm. He has a very expressive face! Fred is on the large side and looks like he takes more after the American Bulldog than any other breed.
Living Situation:
Fred currently resides at the MPR shelter and handles his stay with us like a champ. He is very well-behaved both in and outside of his kennel. He occasionally whines when he’s missing his gal Wilma, but we can’t blame the lover boy. They are so great together!
Fred is very silly, yet well behaved gentleman. Half Don Juan, half clown. No wonder Wilma is crazy about him. His personality is similar to hers in fact, although he seems a little younger or at least, more juvenile. He sorts of look up to her as a big sister, even though he's a little larger than her. When alone with humans, he loves belly rubs, head massages, and cuddles. When he’s with his woman, they both love to play and show their silly sides.
Behavior with people:
Fred is a very cool guy. He’s easy-going and polite. He does not jump up on you, which is great considering his massive paws! This Flintstone is very much a character who loves to entertain people with his amusing personality. He is outgoing and comfortable with everyone he meets. He still has a puppy disposition, we believe he will never grow out of. He's just a big lovable goof.
Behavior with children:
We don’t know for sure if Fred has had any experience with children but he is at ease in the presence of little ones. Since we would like to keep him and Wilma together, a potential family needs to taker their size in consideration. Two large dogs may not be the best idea for a home with small children since they love to run around together. They would fit right in with teenagers however.
Behavior with other dogs:
Like Wilma, Fred does not show any interest in other dogs aside from his gal. These Flintstones would love a home with a big back yard so they can run around together. Don’t forget, we want to keep them together!
Behavior with other animals:
Fred is overall very well-behaved. He does wonderful on walks – no pulling or showing interest in other dogs. He is quite the gentleman. He doesn’t jump up or even lick your face. He must be saving all his kisses for Wilma 😊
Best Attribute:
Fred is such a beautiful boy! And it’s not just his good looks that make him such a great catch. Volunteers never have any issues with this guy. Fred is very sweet and content to chew on a toy or be pet for a while, when he’s out of his kennel. Although, we most enjoy watching these Flintstones interact together. They are such a great pair!
Adoption Fee: $300 (for Fred and Wilma)
Breed: Boxer/Am Bulldog Mix
Sex: Male
Age: 1-3 yrs
Weight: 75-85 lbs
Color: Brindle and White
Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will react under all circumstances and situations.