
A medieval Scottish patriot with a handsomely rugged face who fights for his beliefs. His eyes shine with sincerity, ingenuity, and a passion for life.

Background Info:
Braveheart was rescued from an awful hoarding situation, along with 5 other dogs and 11 cats. Most of the dogs, including Braveheart, were kept in small cages 24/7, soaking in their own excrements. The animals were malnourished, highly neglected, and many were sick. The group was taken to the local pound and Braveheart eventually made his way to our program. We couldn't believe what a sweetheart he is, especially considering all he's been through.
Adoption Fee: $ 200
Breed: Pit Bull mix
Sex: Male
Age: 2-6 yo
Weight: 55-65 lbs
Health Condition:
Braveheart suffered from neglect and poor care in his previous home and developed skin problems as a result. He is currently being treated and improving by leaps and bounds. His fur seems to be growing back and he doesn’t mind his medicated baths every other day. He stands in the tub for 5-10 minutes with no trouble while the medicine does it’s magic. He was diagnosed with Thyroid issues and will probably need meds for the rest of his life, but it's no big deal.
Update from foster mom (June): "Update on our sweet Braveheart: Medicated baths are now every 2 weeks. He's only take thyroid meds now. His fur is almost completely grown back. He has more energy and loves to play. He has the sweetest child like innocence about him and thrives on praises, belly rubs, and treats. Routine is life for this old soul! He hates vegetables and fruits but loves chicken, bacon, and eggs! His muscles are stronger and he can jump on our bed now with no support. We are working on taking longer walks and his leash manners."
Physical Description:
Medium-sized but thick. He has a golden red coat and wrinkly face. There might be some Shar Pei in there.
While he looked rough upon intake, he's slowly but surely regaining his beauty. We expect him to continue looking better and better as his skin heals and his coat regains its shine and health.
Current Living Situation:
Braveheart is fostered in a home with 2 adults and a teenager. There is also a middle-aged female pit mix in his foster and 3
cats. Braveheart gets along great with the female dog, and foster mom is working on introductions with the cats.
Braveheart is crated when home alone. He didn't like the crate at first, most likely because he was forced to live in one prior to his rescue, but is doing much better with positive training.
Report from foster mom: "Kennel training has gone awesome and within 1 week he went from barking the entire time to whining for a few minutes at the beginning. He will go straight in his kennel with a treat and command. No blanket shredding or accidents."
On the chill side, but attentive and responsive. Braveheart is a loving and very easy-going dog.
Per foster dad, his favorite activities includes snoring and farting on the couch, trying to squeeze into a one-person chair, and moseying along with foster mom to check the mail every day.
Braveheart enjoys long car rides and sits in the backseat with no issues. He also does excellent on a leash when taking walks. He is eager to make you proud and is easily trained with treats.
Report from foster mom: "Energy is improving daily! He plays with our other dog all the time and enjoys chewing on toys now. His personality is starting to come out and he’s even more amazing than I thought. He still loves to be “clingy” and has figured out he loves to workout with me. He thinks it’s super fun to sit on my while I’m doing planks."
Behavior with people:
Braveheart is very friendly and affectionate. He enjoys being close to humans, even a little clingy sometimes. He loves nothing more than sleeping in his foster parents' bed.
Behavior with children:
Braveheart has met kids and was fantastic with them. He's a pretty easy dog in general so a home with kids would be fine provided the children are well-behaved and respectful.
Behavior with other dogs:
His foster mom proceeded with a slow introduction and Braveheart now gets along well with his foster sister, a 4 year-old Pit mix named Stella. He adores her. They figured out recently they like to kiss each other. It’s so adorable.
Behavior with other animals:
He shows quite a bit of interest in the cats and the foster family is cautiously proceeding with slow introductions. His bio will be updated as we know him better.
Report from foster mom: "My bravest cat allows Braveheart to come close to him now and Braveheart likes to scoop him up with his nose and slide the cat down the hallway. It’s hilarious but I don’t think the cat finds it funny. He has not shown any aggression but we are still monitoring that closely."
Braveheart is housebroken and knows how to “sit” and go to his “kennel” on command. He is actively learning new commands and is eager to make his humans proud. He is treat motivated and loves to be praised for doing good. Braveheart is patient when waiting for his food and water and per his foster family, an all-around well behaved boy.
Even if you can’t adopt this sweetheart, you can still help by donating for their care.
Adoption Fee: $ 200
Breed: Pit Bull mix
Sex: Male
Age: 2-6 yo
Weight: 55-65 lbs
Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will react under all circumstances and situations.
Can't adopt but want to help? Every dollar makes a difference!