Before applying for a dog, please take a moment to review our Adoption Information & Procedures
Some of the dogs in our program are adopted before we get to know them. Some stay longer but require several weeks to show their character. Some dogs receive additional evaluations and training by professionals if needed.
We work hard to provide as much information as possible, but the process is not perfect. Our goal is to give the dogs the best chance to stay in their home for the rest of their lives so we are genuine regarding what we know about them. For MPR, quality of our placements takes precedence over a quick turnaround.
We do our very best to update the dogs' bios as quickly as we can. In some cases, dogs are adopted before we are able to revise their listing.
Please do not contact MPR via email or messenger to inquire about a dog’s personality and/or temperament, compatibility with other pets, etc. The volunteers in charge of replying to general requests are not the same as those handling and evaluating the dogs. They will not be able to answer your questions.
Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will act or react under all circumstances and situations.
Background Info:
Sheriff was picked up in 2020 by animal control and taken to the city shelter. He was in a bad area of town, entangled in some bushes, and being picked on by neighborhood kids. Thankfully a good Samaritan witnessed his ordeal and contacted animal control who came to his rescue. The dog doesn't hold a grudge at all. He was super happy to see his saviors and gladly got in the truck to make his way to the pound.
Adoption Fee: $100
Breed: Pit Bull/Amstaff/Lab
Sex: Male
Age: 7-9 yrs
Weight: 75-85 lbs
Health Condition:
When Sheriff first arrived back in 2020 he was sadly heartworm positive, but was quickly treated and fully recovered! Sheriff was eventually adopted by a wonderful couple in 2022. It is with unbearable sadness that his adopted Mom has fallen on hard health times and had to make the most difficult decision to ask for our help with her sweet boy :( Sheriff did come back with some digestive issues that we are currently addressing but nothing that holds him back from being adopted again!
Physical Description:
WOW! The dog is simply gorgeous. His coat is pitch black, shiny and healthy. He is very muscular but not overly bulky. Just perfectly proportioned and very well-built. He's on the large side for the breed and impressive looking. The kind of dog who looks the part but acts like a teddy bear. You'll feel safe with him at your side but remember that Pit Bulls are more likely to get stolen than to hurt anyone. No one will mess with you when he's around, but despite his name and appearance, Sheriff needs to be protected too.
Current Living Situation:
Since returning it took a minute for him to stop looking out the window for his people. Sheriff has been a total sweetheart and awesome dog to have at the shelter. He adapted quickly and takes shelter life in stride. His happy time is when he is out in the playroom or in the yards. Walks and car rides are his favorite! He is easy to handle and we haven't had any negative reports about him from the volunteers. In fact, everyone loves him and his name is often mentioned when volunteers pick their favorites.
Big, lovable, pleasing and very fun-loving. Sheriff is a charming dog with a lively personality, although he is a little more on the lazy side. He does have little spurts of energy and loves to play with toys, but for the most parts he just wants to chill and cuddle.
Despite his size, Sheriff is easy to handle and eager to please. He does jump up on people when greeting and is a little too big for that, but we are working on it and he is learning good manners.
Overall, he is a well-rounded dog, smart, loving and super friendly. Sheriff loves and bonds hard!
Behavior with people:
Very people-oriented. He looks intimidating but we haven't seen a mean bone in his body. We're not sure he knows that he looks like a bad-ass. He is super easy-going in his interaction with people and comfortable with everyone.
Sheriff can be a bit of a big needy baby and he loves to cuddle. He's very affectionate.
Behavior with children:
Sheriff hasn't been around children since being with us. We don't see any reason to believe he wouldn't do well in a home with kids, other than his size. Older/bigger kids should not be a problem but he might be a little too big for toddlers. While his level of energy is moderate to low, he does have short-lived 'bulldozer" moments when his enthusiasm for life might get the best of him.
Behavior with other dogs:
Sheriff is a people-dog. Introductions to other dogs were attempted before he came to our program and not successful. He is stiff, dominant and reactive. His appearance and demeanor are intimidating to other dogs, which doesn't help. He might be able to learn to share a home with a compatible and very tolerant female, but if you are looking for a social-butterfly when it comes to other pets, Sheriff is not your guy. Please keep in mind that Sheriff is reactive on a leash and behind barriers.
Behavior with other animals:
We've definitely seen some prey drive. Sheriff will not be placed in a home with cats.
Sheriff appears house broken. He doesn't have accidents in the playrooms and even keeps his outside run clean. He waits for his turn in the yard. He knows basic commands and is naturally well-behaved. He is relearning the following commands: sit, stay, down, touch, wait, and look. He improves each week and we love seeing him thrive! Sheriff is like the Rod Stewart song "Forever Young" and refuses to acknowledge he has entered the senior days...When unsupervised he still does best kenneled so he doesn't get into things he shouldn't.
Best Attribute:
We love this big beautiful dog with a heart of gold. He's so friendly, outgoing and happy to be with people. Sheriff is a great representative of the best the breed has to offer.
Even if you can’t adopt this sweetheart, you can still help by donating for their care.
Information updated on 0/0/2024
Can't adopt but want to help? Every dollar makes a difference!